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The use of natural latex

2014/11/27      view:

The use of natural latex:

1,Latex dipped products :( weather, holidays, toys) balloons, (the medical, consumer, industrial) gloves, pacifiers, condoms, rubber hose;

2,Sponge products: sponges (mattresses, pillows, shoe insole pad);

3,Injection molded products: latex toys, masks, makeup appliances, footwear;
4,Die products: rubber latex wire, medical supplies;
5,Other applications :( hair, brown, animals, plants and artificial synthetic fibers, artificial leather) adhesive, flocking, cloth, carpet, textiles, paper, and adhesives

Quanzhou Taifeng Machine Technical Co., Ltd The main camp latex dipped equipment: balloon dipping machine equipment (medical, household and industrial) glove dipping machine equipment,Labor Protection Gloves Dipping Machines  condoms production equipment,  www.tongxingbao.cn

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